Monday, March 27, 2006

A Place to Start...and Stop

A Stopping Spot. That's pretty much what I need in my life right now. A place to stop. A place to think. You see, I keep pretty busy. I'm a wife, a mother of three, a friend, a worker, a "domestic engineer" (what a title, eh)!

And in the midst of this day to day life, I'm discovering Life. Life given through Jesus Christ. Or rather, Life through Jesus is finding me. I've actually been a Christian for most of my life. I'm not rebellious by nature, so never turned away from my faith to find myself. But I started a journey last Fall while chairing a committee on women in ministry at my church that has captured my mind...and my heart. It seems that there are many people on this same journey and I'm excited to join them.

This is my stopping spot. My opportunity to think out loud, or in this case, in black-and-white.