Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Harry Potter Marathon

I've pretty much been out of the loop on blogging for the summer. Between vacations and managing all three of my kids at home, I'm keepin' busy. But, I do have to admit my guilty pleasure. I ready the first Harry Potter book about a year ago and have been meaning to read the rest. So, I popped down to my brother and sister-in-law's about three weeks ago and borrowed all theirs.

Then, I made a goal. You see, my kids start school August 11th and I start two weeks later. Once we're all in class, there won't be much time left over. So, I decided to read books two through seven before summer break ended. Needless to say, I met my goal in advance. I read them all in three weeks (and yes, I actually accomplished some other stuff in the midst of it).

I loved the books, especially books 4 & 7. The end was amazing. Julie over at One Hand Clapping has a great post she did after book 7 was released. She has some great thoughts and I agree with her (I think I read too fast to do much reflecting...I just wanted to find out what happens!)

If you haven't read them (and especially if you have kids who have or will be reading them), I encourage you to read them for yourself and then sit down for some great conversations with your daughter or son.


tanya said...

The next time we hang out - I want to talk about these books! I am curious about what all the "up roar" was about.

JenericFN said...


I have been enjoying your blog now for 8 weeks or so (linked via Tanya where I am also lurking about.)I just had to comment now -- Harry Potter is a guilty pleasure of for me, too! Unfortunately, that's about all I have read recently. Carving out time to read is not a strength of mine.

It sounds like things are going well since we last spoke (almost a year?)We should not let so much time pass again.

Take care and if you ever want a HP discussion you can count me in!


Amy said...

Tanya, I think you'll like the books and am pretty sure your boys will love them! We'll chat soon.

Jen, so nice to hear from you! We should get together soon. And discussing HP will just make it all that much more fun!

Kate said...

Hooray, hooray! Thanks Amy :)

Amy said...

Anything for you, Katie!