Thursday, May 28, 2009

Reading Expectations

Three whole months of summer lie ahead. I'm sure by the time we're done, I'll be ready to get back into the schedule the school year creates for us, but for the moment, I'm full of anticipation.

Right now, I'm most excited about two books I received in the mail today, Justification: God's Plan & Paul' Vision by N.T. Wright and Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel. There's nothing quite like opening a new book. The potential of the reading experience is palpable. The smell of paper and ink, looking through the index...mmmmm... I ask myself how this book might challenge me, urge me to change, make me think? At what points might I laugh, nod my head in acknowledgment or shake my head in disagreement? I'll find out soon, but until then, the anticipation of the reading experience is waiting for me.

If you have any great reading suggestions, please let me know!


Lori said...

Let me know what you think about the parenting book--it looks intriguing. (and N.T. Wright's a guaranteed good read!) I'm reading The Orthodox Heretic (Pete Rollins) and loving it. It's designed to read a couple pages at a time, and then take some time to let it sink in...perfect reading pace for life w/ a family. Not too much time invested in the book, but more than enough to think about inbetween! :)

One Picky Family said...

You smell the ink on the paper, too!!

Amy said...

Lori, I love Pete Rollins. I'll have to pick that up...and you're right, a couple pages at a time is plenty. I'm loving Wright, as usual and warming up to the parenting book. I'll let you know my thoughts at the end.

Wendy, yes...LOVE the smell of ink in a new book, and everything else about a new book. Almost a good as a new box of crayons.