Monday, August 27, 2007

Prayer Poem

There's a synchroblog going on about prayer. A lot of the the posts are listed at the Emerging Women site.

I've struggled personally with prayer lately. Well, let me take that back...I've struggled with prayer for a long time. I grew up in a church where great prayers were prayed. Praying in tongues was preferred. If you were a good person, your prayers would result in Porsches, Jaguars, a big house and an affluent American lifestyle. (Too bad for my husband we don't still ascribe to that would be a great excuse to go out today and finance a Porsche)!

When we left that church, I began questioning prayer. I began questioning how I use prayer.

More recently, when I try to talk to God, I hear voices. The voices tell that it's never long enough, I should do more, I should be more, I don't measure up to the lists of "right" and "wrong." Worst of all I cannot turn from the reality that my prayers don't seem to make much difference in my day to day choices. I still really stink at being a "good Christian."

In trying to express my struggle with prayer, I wrote the following poem. (Note: creative writing has never been my strength, but I've found some things are expressed so much better this way):

My hand reaching out
to touch Divine.
A soul entwined with breath, with hope, with life.

My spirit longs for this fulfillment,
then shies away.
What if I reach for God
and find not love, but proposition?
My fingers caress those of Creator and
acceptance fades away as an empty promise?
What if the life of freedom promised
becomes a cage, inextricable, inescapable?

I step back, frightened to
move forward.
A warm hand enfolds mine.

Freedom, love, peace touch me.


Brad said...

hmmm . . . I wonder what church that was!!! lol.

I have to say that it is often good for me to go on my sister's blog, and often bad. Today is one of those good days.


Cause I don't feel like such a heel when the woman I look up to as a christian so much can admit that she stinks at being a "good christian." I don't feel quite so alone.

btw. I hear voices too . . . but you don't want to know what they tell me!! lol.

Robyn "The Wonder" Lorenz said...

Do you know what I like about your poem that in the end, no matter your doubt, or struggle, or how you 'feel' you are not doing this or that right in prayer, it is hope that captures you in the end, and freedom, and peace and love. And I like writings that admit struggle or question, and yet end in hope...

Amy said...

Brad, you know all about that church, bro!

So glad I'm not the only one hearing voices!

Robyn, thanks. I guess that's my relationship with God. I fight and struggle on certain things, but God is always there to provide hope and comfort. Always.

Jemila Kwon said...

I like it Amy. Don't we all struggle with prayer, with faith? Have you read the recent article on Mother Teresa in TIME? Gosh, we are not alone in experiencing aloneness in prayer. Jesus was alone in his time of need. Mother Teresa. You, me.

I think when I try too hard in prayer, I end up hearing those same kinds of voices. Now more I try to be quiet with God and simply be. Then if I am led to pray, I do. Mostly I just am and God is and it's okay. I don't have to mentally believe to be with God.

Amy said...

Jemila, thanks. I have found that my best times of prayer are just that as well. Sitting quietly with God; being.