Thursday, June 05, 2008

Use Your Words!...or not...

We've been encouraging our 5 year old to use his words when he's angry or upset. As parents, it has been very frustrating to see him resort to full-on crying fits when situations frustrate him. There's that fine line of wanting him to learn to communicate in a more appropriate way for our own convenience vs. the benefit for his own social experiences.

So, tonight, he used his words and told us just how he felt. Eddie asked him to take one of his toys upstairs. He firmly told Eddie he didn't want to. After some cajoling, he was finally convinced to help out. Upon returning back downstairs, Eddie asked him to help clean up toys with his brother and sister. Nate, who has been sick this week, coughed right at Eddie and the slowly walked away. Several steps towards the toy box, he turned around and declared, "I coughed on you because I think you're being mean to me." At this point, I'm about doubled over laughing as Eddie tries to keep a straight face while discussing the finer points of respecting parents, etc, etc.

All that to say, I guess if we ask our child to use his words, we have to be prepared for his choice of words.


One Voice of Many said...

lol - oh girl... Yeah we spend two to three years trying to get them to talk and the rest of the time saying "ssssshhhhh....don't say that!"

You and I share a 7 yr old so I have a 7 yr old story for you. Okefenokee Joe came to our local library today. I saw him when I was in elementary school and he's still giving the same conversation speech. My husband says he's his hero. So of course we went. My husband was talking about him after we drove off- basically wondering how many beers he had had today. Come on - 35 years of giving the same speech, I'd start drinking at noon myself.

Anyway, my 7 yr old says "Dad... why, when you like someone, do you later make fun of them?" BUSTED!

Dad had to repent.


They'll say the things you least want them to say, won't they?

Amy said...

Michelle, that is funny. This is such a fun age and they have an amazing way to see right through us sometimes.