Friday, February 02, 2007

Prayer for Friends

I'm thinking of several friends today who need my prayers.

Lord, for Angie and Jon, I pray peace, comfort and an embrace of grief as they mourn the loss of their baby. I also pray Your immense strength and hope into Angie's heart.

Lord, for Libby, I pray patience and a continued assurance and she and Roald wait for his liver transplant. I pray strength for Libby as she balances three children and a husband who's health continues to decline.

Lord, I pray for Brad and Katie. They have fought hard, with your help, to hang on to life, marriage and faith. I pray that you bring a time of blessing, of fun and healing into their lives.

Lord, I pray for Patty as she's lost her father and has received news of the immenent passing of mother and step-father. Bring strength and peace to her heart and mind. Bring hope to a heart overcome with mourning.

Lord, surround all my friends with your presence today. Touch them, draw them to you and bring comfort to their lives.
