Thursday, December 27, 2007

You're my what??

I spent the day today as I do very often after Christmas; organizing. I tend to like everything in its place, although have relaxed quite a bit since we have three young kids in the house. I did quite well shoving gifts in corners of closets and storing boxes as they arrived. But, once Christmas was over and the unwrapping complete, I go into reorganize mode. So, I spent the day with a plastic bag going through the house ditching unneeded stuff, carting storage containers from the basement to the upstairs bedrooms so as to clean out closets and reorganize toy storage. My house doesn't look any cleaner at the moment, but I have my system in place going forward, so feel like I'm at a good spot.

So, following this busy tidying day, I had to laugh at my son's synopsis. After dinner, I asked my three children to pick up their toys and put them in the containers I'd shown them earlier. As I finished up the dinner dishes, my oldest son who is 6 years, hollered from upstairs asking, "Mom, why is that I'm you're slave and I have to do all the work you should be doing?"

Ahhh...if only he knew how good he's got it! ;-)


Brad said...

oooh THAT made me laugh my evil chuckle.

I commiserate, sympathize, and fully understand the place you were at yesterday. I only wish I could have been that good.

and that my son was old enough to be my slave.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I have a five-year-old who says her own version of that type of thing. Like if I play with her using a toy or some art supplies, she often self-righteously demands that I clean up, or at least help because, I "played too."

Amy said...

I laughed, too, Brad. And then quickly informed him that we are a family and families work together and in no way is it the adults responsibility to do all the work...and likewise for the kids!

Jemila, aren't they little characters at this age? Their whole sense of self and the world is very unique; both precious and challenging at the same time.