Friday, March 30, 2007

One of Those Weeks...

I know you've had 'em too. We all do.

This week has been mine. Aaron was on Spring Break, so having all the kids home was different than what I've gotten used to.

Elianna seems to have back-tracked after having been potty-trained for the last 6 months. I think it's just wanting to be independent and not have to have mom's help going, but let's just say I've cleaned up way too many puddles this week. May I say my patience has been tested and found to fail miserably??

Nate had an evaluation at Children's Hospital on Monday. They didn't tell us a whole lot we didn't already know. He has lax muscle tone and hyper-extended joints which effects his motor skills. The Doc also thinks that he has some motor planning delay. She did tell us that rather than being unmotivated, what he is able to accomplish is a testament to his will and determination. So, I guess that's good. I guess I was hoping that she would provide some concrete suggestions or next-steps, which she did not. We have some options to pursue ourselves, but have some discussion that needs to happen first. It's a fine line in providing the most intervention we can and loving Nate for who he is, an absolutely fabulous, intelligent and loving child.

Eddie's job stinks right now. It's just plain ol' high stress and constant "issues." My husband is terrific at handling stuff like that, but he can only handle so much. He tries so hard to make balance for me, so I've been trying to provide that for him this week and provide a safe, happy place at home. He deserves it!

So there you have it. I'm glad it's over and we have the weekend at home and a new week to start on Sunday.