Friday, May 09, 2008

Another Meme... Six Random Things About Me

Today is catch up for me after a busy week and I've been tagged twice this week. So, rather than having to come up with an original thought of my own, I've decided to have what my son calls "Fun Friday". (This, apparently counts as my extra recess for the day).


1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Share six random things about you.
3. Tag 5 people (or whatever you can).

This time around, Jemila tagged me.

1. I have a secret desire to be an artist.

2. I made it through 1st grade only using the bathroom during school time 3 times (I was so shy, I hated to raise my hand and ask to go).

3. I went to 4 different elementary schools, 2 junior highs and 3 high schools.

4. Between 8th and 10th grades, I lived in 4 different states.

5. My husband and I didn't meet in person until 6 months after we started our friendship/relationship, which was initiated by his aunt and uncle (who lived in the same state as me at the time). We talked on the phone and e-mailed for 6 months before meeting in person.

6. Eddie's aunt had given him a picture of me before our first contact, but all she would say to me about Eddie was that "He's not ugly, but he's not a hunk of a man." (BTW, my husband is quite the handsome man, but Olga knew I refused to date a guy who was my height or shorter...Eddie is 1/2 inch shorter than me)!

I tag



Have fun!


The McShane Family said...

Your random thoughts are more interesting then mine!

Fun to learn new things about you my friend......