Thursday, May 15, 2008

Prayer Request

Today close friends of ours found out that their 7-year old son has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Our hearts ache with theirs and we ask you to join us in praying for Jake and his family; for strength for the coming journey, for an awareness of God's presence and ultimately, for Jake's health.


One Voice of Many said...

Amy -
I'm so so sorry to hear this news of your friends and their child. I have thought about them/prayed for them so often since I read this post a few days ago. Please keep us updated on their/his progress.


Amy said...

Thanks for praying, Michelle. The Jake's parents are blogging at

Jake has gone home from the hospital this evening after his first round of chemo, to which he's responded well. There are several things to be grateful for;

1) The type of cancer is Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, one of the most treatable with the best cure rate for patients.
2) The initial tests showed no cancer cells in his spinal fluid (a hiding spot for leukemia cells apprently)
3) As low risk, he gets to go home and not spend the next month in the hospital.

The reality is that this will be about a 2 year journey for our friends. Thank you for praying for them!