Saturday, May 24, 2008

Planting Day

I'm heading down to my parents house this morning to plant our garden. When we landscaped our backyard, we made a small spot for a garden for us, but I have not been all that great since having children of actually keeping it up. My parents also have a nice big yard, so have created a couple raised beds. They'll be planting an apple and a pear tree later this year and hopefully by next year we'll have some raspberry plants as well.

Today we're planting a couple different kinds of tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, beans, carrots, tomatillos, peppers, squash and various herbs. Thrown in with that will be a mound of pumpkins and a mound of melon. I'm looking forward to gardening with my mom and my kids...and of the yummy harvest we'll have this fall. I don't think we'll have enough to do a lot of canning, so that might be from the local farmer's market. Either way, it's a start and a bit of our own adventure!


One Voice of Many said...

Oh how fun!
We planted our first garden this year and have already had a couple of meals from it - squash and greens!
Our other stuff hasn't gotten ready yet - bell peppers, tomatoes, peas, and blueberries.

How a great day and enjoy nature!


Amy said...

Thanks, Michelle! Yum...blueberries sound wonderful. Squash is nice to plant because it matures quickly.

Brad said...

There will soon be some sweet AND hot pepper seedlings to join everything else in Mom's garden.

I am looking forward to eating the fruits of her labor!!

tanya said...

For those of us who love Eddies salsa
we say Hooray!!!

Having a garden is one of the very few things (people yes, things not so much) we miss from Minnesota. It is a wonderful way to spend time with your kiddos. Enjoy!

Amy said...

My dear brother, you should actually be looking forward to the fruits of "our" labor. Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm not working... ;-)

Tanya, I made sure we planted everything necessary for Eddie's salsa. You all will be first on our list to receive some come harvest time!