Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's Official!

Nope, not pregnant.

I received the official call from Denver Seminary yesterday with congratulations on my acceptance into the MDIV in Biblical Studies program. I wasn't all that worried about actually getting in, but it was a lot of fun to get that phone call and know that this venture (however long it may take me as I inch my way along) has now begun.

I'm a bit late for summer classes, but I'm hoping to get at least one in.



One Voice of Many said...



The McShane Family said...

Thats great news! Congratulations!

Now the "fun" begins........

Amy said...

Thanks Michelle!

Yes, Kathy, the fun begins...

As excited as I am, I'm pretty nervous about the changes this will bring as well. As a friend told me recently. The grass is never greener on the other side, it's just a little bit different.

tanya said...

Too Funny! I love that you had the disclaimer up front.

One thing I love about you is that you are always reading, learning, thinking and growing. How fun that you can now do it "officially"!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Amy! Where will you be coming (moving?) from? What program will you be in? Everyone else probably knows these answers but since I just stumbled across you via my daily Google Alert for the seminary, I don't know. Do you have kids? What does your husband do? Last name? Any way--drop by and introduce yourself when you get here!

Amy said...

Thanks, Tanya!

Dr. Blomberg, thank you for your congratulations! I will plan to stop by and say hello. I'd actually like to extend a special thank you for your book review on "Living on the Boundaries" awhile back. It peaked my interest in the book and in the process of reading it myself, came to the conclusion that seminary was the next step for me. In case you pop back over, the last name is Borjas. I have three children, 7, 5 1/2 & 4, two boys and a girl. My husband manages the 911 network support team at Comcast. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to say hello in person in the near future.

Lori said...

Congrats, Amy. So glad to hear not only of your acceptance (I doubt anyone's surprised about that!) but also of the clarity... You get to step out of waiting, and that's got to feel great! So happy for you, and hope to get occasional updates...and occasional book recommendations, too.